Questions and answers about saunas

 Is 30 minutes in a sauna too long?

While some experienced sauna users, especially in Finland, may turn the sauna into a longer social event, don't overdo it. The longer you stay in the sauna, the more you risk dehydration, so a general rule is to cap your time to 15 to 20 minutes.

Does a sauna detox your body?
While the sauna does not detoxify in and out of itself, it does facilitate excretion of toxins through sweat via the largest organ of the body : the skin. Detoxification is referring to the process by which an organism excretes bioaccumulated toxicants from muscles, adipose tissues & organs out of it's system.

How long do you have to be in the sauna to detox?
The amount of time spent in a sauna detox session may vary depending upon your tolerance and daily activity level. To get your body accustomed to infrared therapy, start with 10-15 minute sessions every other day. Gradually increase towards 40 minute daily sessions in the optimal temperature range.

Do and don'ts after sauna?
Drink at least one full glass of water before and after using a sauna, to avoid dehydration. Don't drink alcohol before, during, or after sauna use. Don't use recreational drugs before, during, or after sauna use. Don't eat a large meal prior to using a sauna.

Is steam room better than sauna?
Saunas are excellent for relaxation and relieving tense muscles. Meanwhile, steam rooms have further benefits from the moist heat and humidity such as skin moisturizing, congestion relief, and reduced muscle soreness.



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